Ratings for Core CPD Courses: CPF Policies Pertaining to Property Transactions

Name of Trainer: Mr. Benjamin Tan
Course Date: 04 September 2018
Average rating for the course: 4.58
Average rating for the trainer: 4.58

Explanatory notes: The ratings are based on Post Course Evaluation Form provided by CEA, submitted by the course participants, on a scale of 1-5, where

5 = Excellent or Strongly Agree;
4 = Very Good or Agree;
3 = Neutral;
2 = Disagree;
1 = Needs Improvement or Strongly Disagree.

Written comments in some of the Post Courses Evaluation Forms submitted by the course participants: |”|”Student-centric approached! Engaging trainer”| |”Trainer was very knowledgeable in the topic and was able to engage the class in a fast and lively pace”| |” The best trainer, humorous speaker, made a dry subject very interesting, can learn a lot from the trainer”| |”Trainer is very clear in explanation and show effective examples”| |”Great engagement with the class. Enjoyed the lively interactions. Not a dull moment. Well done Benjamin!”| |”Good lecturer”|

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