Knowledge of and compliance with applicable laws, practice circulars and guidelines – CPD courses

Knowledge of and compliance with applicable laws, practice circulars and guidelines

4.-(1) Estate agents and salespersons must perform their work in accordance with applicable laws and must not perform estate agency work unless they have the relevant knowledge to perform the work that they are engaged to perform. CPD courses

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) means, among other things, that estate agents and salespersons –

(a) must be fully conversant and comply with the Act, the regulations made under the Act (including this Code and in the case of estate agents, the Code of Practice for Estate Agents), and the policies, practice circulars and guidelines of the Council;

(b) must be fully conversant and comply with relevant laws, regulations and rules that apply to property transactions;

(c) must keep themselves informed of essential or relevant facts and developments in the property market and matters that could affect any aspect of property transactions;

(d) must be familiar with the procedures for property transactions, and the contents of the forms used; and

(e) must not undertake estate agency work in respect of Housing and Development Board flats unless they are fully conversant and comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules and procedures that apply to transactions involving such flats. CPD courses.

Due diligence and compliance with law and statutory requirements – CPD courses

5.-(1) Estate agents and salespersons shall conduct their business and work with due diligence, despatch and care, and in compliance with all laws including statutory and regulatory requirements, and practice circulars and guidelines. CPD courses.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) means, among other things, that estate agents and salespersons, in conducting estate agency business or work –

(a) must comply with and shall not do or attempt to do anything that infringes, or which may directly or indirectly lead to the infringement by any person of any law; and

(b) must take all reasonable precautions and do all reasonable acts to ensure that no law is infringed by any person. CPD courses.

Source: Code of Ethics and Professional Client Care (CEPCC)

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